I got up this morning and went out with a bunch of strangers to take pictures...it was fun for me despite my ridiculous and hopefully not so obvious social anxiety. As I was breathing through the anxiety, I contemplated on the things I have avoided doing during my life because of my feelings of inadequacy. I've decided that I'm not missing out on anymore of the things I want to do ..even if it's uncomfortable for me. I'm making a bucket list of things to do before I'm 30.
I'll cross them off as I do them and probably add some along the way! Some of my friends may need to help me out with these. (I know you guys are reading..I see how many hits I get on my site.)
1. Go Dancing!
2. Go white water rafting
3. Run 1 mile without stopping just to be able to say that I can
4. Ride on a plane without letting my phobic behavior get the best of me. (or have me banned from an airline)
5. Experience Spain/Europe as a thin person so I can actually enjoy the endless walking and site seeing
6. Frolick unashamedly in a bathing suit in a public place
7. Make some NEW friends and spend time with the old ones
8. Visit my BFF in Delaware! (Love you and miss you!)
9. Volunteer with an animal rescue
10. Ride in a hot air balloon
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Talulah rocks!
Today we took the TAKS and then we spent some time hanging out with Talulah the boa. Teaching Biology would be fun! Stay tuned for another weekend in pictures! I can't wait to get out with my camera this weekend.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Caution. Overwhelming cuteness ahead.
My fantastic, amazing, loving, affectionate husband bought me TWO new camera lenses today. I went out and played with them and was surprised by these cute ducklings. I love them. I will be watching them EVERY day until they are grown.
Things kids say.
I'm feeling lazy, how about you?
I'm loving the warmer weather. Kip and I have been spending a ton of time outside...walking, taking pictures in the greenway and harassing litle kids that try to steal wildlife out of the preserve behind our house.
We were walking beside the creek and stumbled upon two boys who had just snatched a large turtle out of the creek. They were getting ready to put it in a grocery sack and carry it off when Kip (my large scary husband) says " What are you doin with that turtle boy?". That poor kid jumped about 3 feet! And no, he did not put the turtle back.
I got closer to take a peek at the poor animal. That's when one of the boys takes a good long look at the scars on my leg and very sincerely exclames, "WHOA! DID YOU GET BIT BY A SHARK??!!!"
Yes. That's exactly what happened. You gotta love the things kids say.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Do you ever feel like...
Do you ever feel like
...you want to see what everything looks like from above?
...you want to keep a tasty secret to yourself?
...talking back?
...or hiding behind your feathers on a bad day?
![]() |
Do you ever feel like strutting your stuff for that special someone? ...or just having a good time all by yourself. |
Do you ever feel like...it would be nice to hide from everyone for awhile??
Do you ever want to just be silly?
...or pull a prank on someone?
Wouldn't it be nice to be the bully once in awhile?
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
My weekend in pictures...
Friday: I snuggled with a puppy who snuggled with my snoopy.
Saturday: I practiced taking some daytime pictures with Miss Bruta as my subject. She's so BIG now!
See? This was her one year ago when we thought she was a he.
I went to the nature preserve in Plano...and saw the Easter Bunny..
and pretty flowers..
I found these, and debated about what the heck they were....baby rabbits? Rats? Nutria? What do you think?
I watched ducks play at dusk...
And just like that it's time to go back to work.
Friday, April 15, 2011
It's Friday! Time to do the Friday dance! I walked into class this morning and the students wanted to listen to music while they worked on their projects. So I put on this song:
They were angry with me. Once it's in your head...it's there.
I'm looking forward to the weekend more than I have all year long. I love the transition to warm pretty weather. It makes me want to kick my shoes off and frolick in clover.
This weekend I plan to get some good pictures with a new gadget I ordered for my camera. Of course, there will be a few hourswasted spent earning a few extra dollars at the GAP. I'm saving money for a lower body lift that will get rid of the excess skin on my stomach and the "shelf" of skin on my hips. It feels weird to have pretty legs now and skin hanging everywhere else. It throws off the balance for me..I can't wait to finish my body sculpting. My surgeon is going to do so much work on me he might as well tattoo his initials on my butt and claim me as a work of art.
They were angry with me. Once it's in your head...it's there.
I'm looking forward to the weekend more than I have all year long. I love the transition to warm pretty weather. It makes me want to kick my shoes off and frolick in clover.
This weekend I plan to get some good pictures with a new gadget I ordered for my camera. Of course, there will be a few hours
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
I still can't believe it!
Check out my hot legs! There is a GAP between them. Joy fills my heart right now. I can't wait for the rest of my surgeries!
It's that time again....
Grades are due. I spend a lot of time telling my students that procrastination =stress. I tell them this because I experience it every six weeks right before grades are due. I guess I should practice what I preach!
Now I need about three grande skinny double espresso lattes so I can grade all of these...
and clean up all the stacks of junk....
I love my job...but I hate the end of a grading period. The good news is that summer is just around the corner!
Now I need about three grande skinny double espresso lattes so I can grade all of these...
I love my job...but I hate the end of a grading period. The good news is that summer is just around the corner!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Skinny Lattes and Skinny Livin'
One of my favorite things on this earth is a Grande Skinny Vanilla Whole Milk Latte. (Sometimes with whip if I'm feeling feisty.)
This morning I stopped to get my "illegal" coffee (not making the thirty day challenge) and some old man bought it for me! He said "Have a good day cutie!". I get all kinds of free stuff now, just because I'm thin. Men open doors for me, smile at me, etc...I should feel good about this, right???
I feel good for about 2 seconds before I become a raging tornado of anger on the inside. I start fighting the urge to call the man that just opened the door for me a jerk because I know he would have let it hit me in the face 4 years ago.
What was wrong with me when I was overweight? I have the same face, the same personality, the same heart....One day I will be able to just say "thank you" and move on with no hard feelings. For now, I'm still feeling less than human.
This morning I stopped to get my "illegal" coffee (not making the thirty day challenge) and some old man bought it for me! He said "Have a good day cutie!". I get all kinds of free stuff now, just because I'm thin. Men open doors for me, smile at me, etc...I should feel good about this, right???
I feel good for about 2 seconds before I become a raging tornado of anger on the inside. I start fighting the urge to call the man that just opened the door for me a jerk because I know he would have let it hit me in the face 4 years ago.
What was wrong with me when I was overweight? I have the same face, the same personality, the same heart....One day I will be able to just say "thank you" and move on with no hard feelings. For now, I'm still feeling less than human.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
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