Wednesday, May 18, 2011

This puppy got dumped! Anyone interested?

UPDATE: Puppy has been claimed! There are decent human beings on this earth!

Email me for more information if you are interested.

This was an email from a friend who has taken in the dog temporarily.


Meanwhile here is her info:  A neighbor saw her being "dumped" from a car.
I returned home from a walk to find a small, white female pit bull on my front porch.  She is VERY SWEET, and nearly licked me to death.
She is half starved, and has fleas. She is all white with light brown eyes, and is missing a back toenail.  I don't think she's been fixed. She seems pretty young. She has not barked at all.

She has NOT been aggressive toward my corgi or cat  at all.
She walks like she's in pain.  I put some peroxide on her toe, and she fussed, but didn't get aggressive or ugly.  I don’t know how she'd lose 2 nails back there.   I guess if I don't have any takers- I need to call Animal Control soon.   

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